JKPSC reschedules today’s paper of PO Main Examination-2021

JKPSC reschedules today’s paper of PO Main Examination-2021
JKPSC reschedules today’s paper of PO Main Examination-2021
In view of the inclement weather conditions, the Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) has rescheduled the todays paper of Prosecuting Officer (PO) [Main) Examination-2021 to Friday, 25th February, 2021.

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In this regard, a notice issued by JKPSC reads, “It is for the information of all the eligible candidates who are appearing in the Prosecuting officer [Main) Examination2021, that due to inclement weather, Paper VI (Special Law-I) scheduled for today, ie.23.02.2O22 is hereby postponed and shall now be held on Friday. 25.02.2022 from 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM. The venue for the Examination shall remain the same”.