Chief Minister Manohar Lal’s zero tolerance towards corruption campaign yielding positive results

In 2022, CM flying squad conducted 1303 raids/surprise inspections, imposed a fine of over Rs 86 crore

Chandigarh, January 1- Haryana Chief Minister’s  vision of adopting zero tolerance towards corruption has certainly yielded positive results, as in the year 2022, the CM flying squad not only conducted 1303 raids/surprise inspections but also imposed fine of Rs.86,61,75,313.

        In 2014, as soon as Sh. Manohar Lal had assumed power he had clarified about his vision of completely eradicating corruption from Haryana. While following this policy, the State Government has also strengthened the Vigilance Bureau at the divisional level.

        Divulging more details regarding the raids and surprise inspections conducted by the CM flying sqaud, an official spokesperson said that from January 1, 2022 to December 30, 2022, a total of 1303 raids/surprise inspections were conducted in different government departments and private institutions in various districts.

        A total of 456 cases were registered regarding irregularities, in which 555 persons were arrested.  Out of the total 1303 raids/surprise inspections, 94  were conducted in government institutions and other private institutions.  Apart from this, during the same period, CM flying squad has also registered 28 cases separately in the investigations carried out on the complaints/intelligence received by the CFMS.

        The spokesperson said that a total of 313 raids were conducted on food shops and godowns. During these raids 48 cases were registered and 26 people were arrested.  About 2000 kg adulterated sweets were destroyed.

        The spokesperson further said that in cases of GST theft, a fine of Rs 1,32,78,112 was imposed during a total of 55 raids/surprise inspections conducted in this regard. Furthermore, 68 raids were conducted to keep a check on overloaded vehicles transporting illegal mining material.

        During these raids a fine of Rs 1,72,58,809 was imposed. Apart from this, 45 raids were also conducted on illegal liquor, 145 raids on pubs and bars, 9 raids on illegal liquor makers.

        Around 41 raids on those selling fertiliser, seeds, pesticides, 55 raids on running illegal bore wells and electricity theft. In the cases of adulteration in petroleum substances, 45 raids were conducted.

        Also, 57 surprise checks were conducted in various government offices, 50 raids to check black marketing of domestic gas cylinders and 15 raids were conducted on the illegally running RMC plants.


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