Conservation of nature’s creations in humans responsibility: Governor Shri Patel

Children should be sensitized towards environment
Governor inaugurates Second National Conference of Lesser Known Species of Madhya Pradesh

Governor Shri Mangubhai Patel has said that it is the responsibility of humans to protect all the creations of the universe. To discharge this responsibility, nature has given man mental, physical powers, feelings of compassion, mercy and sensitivity, but man has used these powers only to exploit nature. Today we are experiencing four seasons in one day. He expected that children should be sensitized regarding the importance, utility and role of humans in biodiversity.  Study tours and other public awareness programmes should be organized for them on a large scale.

Governor Shri Patel was today addressing the inauguration of the two-day national conference on Lesser Known Species of Madhya Pradesh organized by Biodiversity Board and Society for Natural Healers Conservators and Tourism Department. The theme of the conference is the challenges of management and conservation efforts of lesser-known animal diversity. The conference was organized in the auditorium of Environmental Planning and Coordination Organization EPCO, Bhopal.

Governor Shri Patel said that the current environmental problems like global warming, climate change, air and water pollution etc. are the result of this. It is important to understand that every living being has importance in the structure of creation. Being the most powerful creature in nature, man has the responsibility not to ignore the interests of others for his own pleasure.  The might of the powers given to man by nature should be displayed not in destruction but in conservation. He said that the role of biodiversity is very important in maintaining nature. Every species performs some function in the eco system. Without a reason it can neither develop nor exist. Every living being receives and stores energy, produces and decomposes carbonic matter. In this way, water in the eco system helps in maintaining the cycles of nutrients, fulfilling its needs and also helps in the growth of other organisms. The more diversity there is in an ecosystem, the greater will be the chances of species survival and productivity even in adverse conditions.

Governor Shri Patel said that maintaining the natural diversity of species is beneficial for mankind from all points of view, socially, economically and ecologically. It is necessary to find solutions to the challenges of natural factors of species extinction such as isolation or relocation due to natural disasters, climate and geological changes, etc. Along with studying these challenges of biodiversity, we should also understand the genetic diversity of species in detail. The conference should also discuss arrangements for exchange of species samples and their genetic data at the international level to enhance the survival of endangered animals.

Governor Shri Patel said that due to his work experience as Forest Minister of Gujarat State, he takes special pleasure in participating in programmes related to the Forest Department. He expressed the hope that everyone should make joint efforts to ensure that the ideas of the conference bear fruit.

Governor Shri Patel inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp followed by presenting the booklet Endangered Medicines, Trees and Species in the Forests of Madhya Pradesh published by the Biodiversity Board. He also inaugurated the Wildlife Photography Contest on the topic Lesser Known Species of Madhya Pradesh, Jan Nayak posters of Biodiversity Conservation and released the annual calendar of Bhopal Bird Association. He was welcomed by Member Secretary, Biodiversity Board, Shri V.K. Ambade. The memento was presented by Shri Vikas Singh Baghel on behalf of Natural Healers Conservators and Tourism Department.

Principal Chief Forest Conservator Planning Dr. Atul Kumar Shrivastava gave insight into the importance of the conference and the efforts for conservation and promotion of biological resources. He said that the deliberations of the conference will provide inspiration and guidance to perform better in this direction.

Member Secretary Biodiversity Board, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Shri V.K. Ambade highlighted the outline of the conference and gave information about the work being done in the state for biodiversity conservation. He informed that Barasingha has been successfully reestablished in Kanha National Park in the state. About 150 participants are participating in the conference.

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