This incident shows the poor mentality of BJP towards the minorities of the country, not only in Bengal, BJP leaders BJP from Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh also used abusive words against Sikhs many times – Malvinder Singh Kang
BJP should respect the Sikhs, the ancestors of BJP had supported the British in the freedom struggle, while the Sikhs made sacrifices for freedom – Malvinder Kang
The central leadership of BJP should apologize for the incident in West Bengal and take strict action against responsible people
Chandigarh, 21 February 2024
The Aam Aadmi Party has strongly condemned the incident of BJP leaders calling a Sardar IPS officer on duty in Sandeshkhali, West Bengal ‘Khalistani’ and termed it an insult to Sikhism.
Addressing a press conference at the Chandigarh party headquarters on Wednesday, Aam Aadmi Party Punjab chief spokesperson Malvinder Singh Kang attacked the BJP and said that this incident shows the poor mentality of the BJP towards the minorities of the country. Not only in Bengal, BJP leaders from Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh also used abusive language against Sikhs many times and discriminated against them on religious grounds.
Giving an example, Kang said that during the Rajasthan Assembly elections, BJP leader Sandeep Dohe used insulting words about Gurdwara Sahibs and mosques in front of UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. He said that after the BJP government came to power again, all the Gurdwara Sahibs and mosques will be demolished.
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar particularly detained Sikhs during the farmers’ movement and insulted them. This incident in West Bengal is the latest example of BJP’s poor thinking towards Sikhs. These incidents prove that the Bharatiya Janata Party is an anti-Sikh and anti-minority party.
Kang questioned the BJP’s central leadership for its silence on these incidents and said that the BJP should learn to respect Sikhs and other minority people. He said that BJP has had problems with Sikhs since the beginning because the ancestors of BJP had supported the British during the freedom struggle, while the Sikhs made sacrifices to liberate the country from the clutches of the British.
While BJP was refusing to hoist the tricolor in front of its offices, Sikhs made India a food surplus country. Today the BJP is committing atrocities against the farmers, while the children of the farmers are standing at the borders of our country and protecting it.
He said that for the last few years, especially since the farmers’ movement 2020, BJP has been running a campaign to portray Sikhs as Khalistanis. All these incidents are part of this campaign of the BJP. These people are spreading poison on social media against Sikhs. These people keep spreading hatred towards farmers, Sikhs and Muslims every day through social media.
Kang said that this hateful attitude of the BJP towards minorities poses a huge threat to the unity and integrity of the country. Kang said that the central leadership of the BJP should apologize for the incident in West Bengal and take action against the people responsible for it.