Dr Harsh Vardhan started the new entity CSIR National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research 

Dr Harsh Vardhan started the new entity CSIR National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research

January 14th

The Union Minister of Science &Technology, Earth Sciences and Health & Family Welfare Dr. Harsh Vardhan started a new institute of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research, in New Delhi. The new institute has been made consequent to the merger of two prestigious institutes of CSIR namely, CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources and CSIR-National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies which work at the interface of S&T and Society; and Science Communication and Policy Research. Dr. Harsh Vardhan unveiled the plaque of the new Institute , followed by plantation of saplings in the central lawn of CSIR-NIScPR campus on this occasion. He informed that the aim of this merger is to combine the strength of the two institutes in a synergistic way with a VISION to become a globally respected Think Tank and Resource Centre for understanding Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Policy Research and Communication. He stressed that CSIR-NIScPR will serve the society with its core areas of science communication and policy research which has proved to be so important during the Covid pandemic. He also informed that evidence driven policy  will play a important role in making ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ a reality driven by S&T and Innovation. The Minister told the audience that the merge of these two great institutions is a turning point in their history as now the repository of knowledge vested in the two institutes will combine to make the new entity an even larger and more prestigious institute in the global scientific arena. He urged all to change their  perspective, and start looking at the future with ever new dreams that will lead to a  “New India”. Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Director General CSIR, highlighted that the MISSIONof the institute is to promote STI policy studies and science communication among diverse stakeholders and act as a bridge at the interface of science, technology, industry and society which is essential to a robust S&T ecosystem in the country. He also told that the merger of the two institutes is like what he called, “One plus one equivalent to ELEVEN and not two”. He exuded confidence in scientists saying they will take the new Institute to ever new heights. Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director CSIR-NISCAIR & CSIR-NISTADS informed about the key roles played by both the institutes in the past few decades. CSIR-NISCAIR, has been a frontier institute in Science Communication publishing popular science magazines (Vigyan Pragati and Science Reporter) and Scientific Journals. CSIR-NISCAIR is also managing the largest and oldest National Science Library and also distributes International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). It has been the custodian of the National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC) which facilitates access to more than 5000 e-journals of all major publishers, patents, standards, citations, and bibliographic database. CSIR-NISTADS has earned its reputation in its long journey in Policy research and has a rich research experience in the area of History of Science, S & T and Society, and S&T and Innovation.It has executed projects from UNESCO and the Commonwealth Science Council, State S&T Councils and international agencies to review their respective S&T promotional schemes. CSIR-NISTADS has created a Techno-Socio-Economic platform to enable developmentand application of socially acceptable, relevant, scalable and cost-competitive products. Shri Hasan Jawaid Khan, Chief Scientist, CSIR-NISCAIR, deliveringthe vote of thanks, made sure that the new Institute will achieve new heights in its specialized fields. All the scientific institutes and laboratories of CSIR and other Government science communication and policy research agencies witnessed this program virtually on live streaming.
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