DHSK, DC inspect Covid Hospital Kupwara

Held meeting with medical officers
KUPWARA, MAY 20, 2021: The Director Health Services Kashmir (DHSK), Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Rather and Deputy Commissioner Kupwara, Imam Din today visited Sub District Covid Hospital Kupwara and took stock of the working of the hospital.
The Director Health Services also chaired a meeting cum training session of Health officers regarding Covid containment measures, at D.C. Office here.
During his visit to Covid Hospital, the Director inspected the Oxygen plant functioning in the hospital and took stock of the efforts being made in dealing with the Covid situation.
Earlier, the Director Health Services and Deputy Commissioner chaired a meeting cum training session of Health officers of the district regarding Covid containment measures.
On the occasion, the Director provided thorough awareness to the Medical Officers through PowerPoint presentation regarding the measures to be implemented in containing the Covid situation especially in rural areas. The training provided include surveillance, screening, isolation and referral of the patients; containment activities in rural areas; post covid management and mental health support and Covid care for tribal population.
The Director Health Services impressed upon the medical officers to provide their services with utmost dedication in this demanding health situation. He asked them for moral boosting of the Covid patients so that they cannot be affected with psychological problems like anxiety.
The Director also urged upon the concerned to ensure their own safety by adhering to proper sanitation and Covid SOPs.
While addressing the meeting, the Deputy Commissioner assured complete support to the health department from the administration in augmentation of Covid equipment in various areas of the district for eradication of the viral disease.
Additional District Development Commissioner Kupwara, Nazir Ahmad Lone; Incharge Chief Medical Officer, Abdul Gani Dar; MS District Hospital; BMOs; DPO and other concerned attended the meeting.
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