‘Yoga se Nirog’ programme will prove effective for Corona prevention in third wave: CM Chouhan
Bhopal : Friday, May 21, 2021
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that the condition of Corona infection is constantly improving in the state. The positivity rate has been reduced to 5.4 percent. The number of patients is steadily decreasing and the number of people recovering is constantly increasing. He said that the ‘Yoga se Nirog’ programme will continue in the state, even after there are minimum Corona cases, because we have to prepare people for the third wave of Corona. Yoga is very effective in increasing immunity and making a person healthy, positive and energetic. Chief Minister Chouhan was interacting with home isolation participants and yoga instructors from his residence through video conferencing under ‘Yoga se Nirog’ programme. Guru Dev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev also provided online guidance to the participants in the programme.
Minister of State for School Education Inder Singh Parmar, Minister of State for AYUSH Shri Ramkishore Kavre, Minister of Culture and Tourism Sushri Usha Thakur, President of Maharishi Patanjali Sanskrit Sansthan Shri Bharat Bairagi, Chairperson of Indian Yoga Association Dr. Pushpanjali Sharma, Principal Secretary School Education Rashmi Arun Shami and Principal Secretary AYUSH Carylene Khongwar Deshmukh also took part in the online programme.
Corona did not have fatal effects due to yoga: CM Shri Chouhan
Chief Minister Chouhan has said that I too was affected by Corona. Since I have been practicing yoga for many years now, Corona did not have any fatal effect on me. All members of our family practice meditation and pranayam daily. It is my personal experience that yoga is an effective means to maintain self-confidence, positivity and energy. Ayurvedic traditions to and Yoga practice can prove very helpful in avoiding complications like black fungus, white fungus arising out of Corona.
Chief Minister Chouhan thanked Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Gurudev and Yoga Guru Shri Ramdev Baba for giving guidance to home isolation patients of Covid in the state. Chief Minister Chouhan also interacted with home isolation patients Khairunisa Pariyani and Surendra Jain of Khandwa, Jayashree Thackeray of Balaghat and Yoga instructors of Gwalior, Jaydayal Sharma and Aradhana Dubey.
A CM maintaining relationship of mama with people is a unique example: Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said that the relationships that Chief Minister Shri Chouhan shares with the people of the state while in power is a unique example of his love and sensitivity towards the people. It is possible to conduct activities like yoga education in a more effective way with the support of the state. The initiative taken by Madhya Pradesh in this direction is commendable and for the welfare of the people of the state. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said that it is necessary to maintain self-confidence and morale in this Corona catastrophe. A strong mind can take a weak body forward, for this there is no effective way other than yoga and pranayama. There are disease resistant elements in our food style and food process, so traditional food, ethics, yoga system is the authentic way to remain healthy. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar stated the need to adopt traditional knowledge-science with a scientific approach while remaining free from prejudice and superstition.
Launching Yoga-based programme to protect against Corona is the world’s only initiative: Swami Ramdev
Yoga guru Ramdev said that Corona is a global disaster. Excessive use of allopathic medicines has reduced immunity. This is resulting in complex diseases like black fungus and white fungus. Describing the initiative of Madhya Pradesh government to start a yoga-based program to prevent Corona, as the world’s one and only effort, Yoga Guru Ramdev said that as a result of the circumstances arising due to Corona, people’s faith in Yoga and Ayurveda has increased. The medicine for Corona is how strong you are and how much immunity you have. Yoga is very helpful in both ways. If there are solutions to diseases in the knowledge of our ancestors, then they should be used. Without discriminations of religion etc, we have to take advantage of this accumulated knowledge and methods. The Yoga Guru said that yoga helps a person to overcome grief, destitution, sickness, frustration, despair and to remain positive.
Principal Secretary School Education Rashmi Arun Shami said that the goal of ‘Yoga se Nirog’ programme is that the patients who are currently in home isolation should recover at home itself and they need not go to the hospital. The programme also includes protecting patients from stress and depression, maintaining their morale and providing guidance on nutritious diet along with yoga. In the ‘Yoga se Nirog’ programme, patients are made to practice yoga, meditation, asan, pranayama twice a day by video call or phone call. Presently more than three thousand instructors are providing services to 93 thousand persons in the state.