Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal today launched the pilot project of “SanjeevaniPariyojana”

Chandigarh, May 24 – With a vision to ensure proper healthcare facilities in deep pockets of rural areas of the state, Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal today launched the pilot project of “SanjeevaniPariyojana”, an initiative to combat the second wave of COVID-19, from Karnal through video-conferencing. The Project will be implemented in other districts of the state subsequently.

          Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said it is rightly said that ‘Necessity is the mother of inventions’ and it appropriately fits in the present situation. He elaborated that in the COVID situation ensuring seamless healthcare facilities for the people of the state has become a priority and thus collaborative efforts of the government officers and multinational company Deloitte has led to the conceptualisation and implementation of “SanjeevaniPriyojana”. He said that there was a sudden surge of cases during the second wave and it was then that the State Government swung into action and made efforts to meet the demand of medicines, oxygen cyclinders, ICU beds et al. Also, when the contagious virus reached the villages the State Government formulated policies to contain the spread of the virus starting from constituting committees to monitor COVID cases in rural areas to setting up Isolation Centres and subsequently launching “SanjeevaniPriyojana” is a giant step in augmenting healthcare services in the state.

The Chief Minister said that in such crisis situation he always believed in the saying चलो जलाएं दीप वहां, जहां अभी भी अधेरा है’ and then he added ‘माना अँधेरा घना है पर दिया जलना तो नहीं माना है’.

While laying emphasis on Post CovidCare the Chief Minister said it is important to monitor health post COVID. As there has been a surge in Black Fungus and asked the doctors to ensure proper treatment for it.

Speaking on the probable chances of a third wave of COVID 19 in which infants and toddlers are likely to be affected he asked the authorities concerned to make proactive arrangements for the same like sufficient beds, medicines et al so that the state is prepared and is able to provide enhanced healthcare facilities for infants and toddlers.

          Additional Chief Secretary, Public Health Engineering Department, Sh. Devender Singh, who is also the in-charge of Karnal district briefed the dignitaries about the programme. He shared that along with District Administration led by Deputy Commissioner, Karnal, Sh. Nishant Kumar Yadav, they conceptualised the entire programme with the help of Deloitte. While sharing the salient features of the presentation Sh. Devender Singh expressed gratitude to Director of Kalpana Chawla Medical College, Karnal, Dr. JagdishChanderDureja provided services of intern students from the college for conducting various activities under this Project.

The Project Global CEO, Deloitte, PunitRenjen, who is a native of Haryana was keen on contributing towards providing superlative healthcare services in the state said that Deloitte’s purpose is to make an impact that matters and supporting the Government of Haryana as it delivers much needed medical care to Covid-19 patients is one of the most important impacts we can make. This collaboration will ‘extend the medical ward’ by delivering help to those who can recover at home thereby freeing larger hospitals to treat the critically ill. Sh. PuneetRenjen expressed gratitude to DrDhruv Chaudhary of PGI, Rohtak and Dr. K Srinath Reddy, President of Public Health of India of mentoring the entire project. He also thanked President Consulting, Deloitte India, Sh. Romal Shetty for the contributions made to implement this Programme.

With the implementation of this Project the State Government will be able to enhance the medical facilities and will provide three-tier medical infrastructure for patients, including Isolation Wards at the Village level and sub-centre level and at Primary Health Care Centres for patients with mild symptoms, Community Health Centres or Field Hospitals at a Zila or sub-district level for patients with moderate symptoms in need of oxygen and Advance Medical Centres at larger government civil or private hospitals equipped with ICU facilities for critical patients.

This Project enables management of critical resources like hospital beds availability, oxygen supply, ambulance tracking and door-to-door awareness campaign to enable a crystal clear overview of the healthcare system for the District Administration.

Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. V. Umashankar, Additional Principal Secretary, Dr. Amit Agarwal and other officers were present on the occasion.

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