Decision of increasing COVISHIELD dose interval based on the fundamental scientific reason regarding behaviour of adenovector vaccines

Myths vs. Facts on COVID 19 Vaccination

Record of Minutes of meetings of COVID-19 Working Group and Standing Technical Sub-Committee (STSC) of NTAGI clearly show that recommended 12-16 weeks dosing interval for COVISHIELD was unanimous with no dissent from any member

Delhi 16 JUN 2021

There have been some media reports regarding increase in the gap between two doses of COVISHIELD vaccine from 6-8 weeks to 12-16 weeks, suggesting dissent among the technical experts regarding the decision.

It may be noted that the decision of increasing the gap is based on the scientific reason regarding behaviour of adenovector vaccines and has been discussed thoroughly in meetings of COVID-19 Working Group and Standing Technical Sub-Committee (STSC) of NTAGI with no dissent from any member.

The 22nd meeting of COVID-19 Working Group of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) was held on 10th May 2021. The COVID-19 Working Group has the following members:

Dr. N K Arora Executive Director, INCLEN
Dr. Rakesh Aggarwal NTAGI Member, Director, JIPMER, Puducherry
Dr. Gagandeep Kang NTAGI Member, Professor, CMC Vellore
Dr. Amulya Panda NTAGI Member, Director, NII
Dr. J P Muliyil NTAGI Member, Retd. Principal, CMC, Vellore
Dr. Navin Khanna Group Leader, ICGEB
Dr. V G Somani DCGI, CDSCO
Dr. Pradeep Haldar Advisor, RCH, MoHFW

This COVID-19 Working Group considered a proposal for a change in dose interval for COVISHIELD used under the National Vaccination Policy. It recommended that ‘based on the real-life evidences particularly from United Kingdom (UK), the COVID-19 Working Group agreed for increasing the dosing interval to 12-16 weeks between two doses of COVISHIELD Vaccine’.

This recommendation of COVID-19 Working Group was further taken up for discussion in the 31st meeting of Standing Technical Sub-Committee (STSC) of NTAGI which was held on 13th May 2021 under the joint chairpersonship of Secretary, Department of Biotechnology and Secretary, DHR & DG, ICMR.

Members of STSC are as follows:

Dr. Renu Swarup Secretary, Department of Biotechnology
Dr. Balram Bhargava Secretary, Department of Health Research & DG- ICMR
Dr. J P Muliyil Professor, CMC Vellore
Dr. Gagandeep Kang Professor, CMC Vellore
Dr. Indrani Gupta Professor, Institute for Economic Growth, Delhi
Dr. Rakesh Aggarwal Director, JIPMER, Puducherry
Dr. Mathew Varghese Head of the Dept, Orthopaedics, St. Stephan’s Hospital, New Delhi
Dr. Satinder Aneja Professor, Sharda University, Noida
Dr. Neerja Bhatla Professor, AIIMS, New Delhi
Dr. M D Gupte Former Director, NIE, Chennai
Dr. Y K Gupta Principal Adviser THSTI-DBT
Dr. Arun Aggarwal Professor, PGIMER, Chandigarh
Dr. Lalit Dhar Professor, Virology, AIIMS, New Delhi

The STSC of NTAGI gave the following recommendation:- ‘as per the COVID-19 Working Group recommendation, a dosing interval of minimum three months between two doses of COVISHIELD vaccine was recommended.’ 

In both the meetings i.e. COVID-19 Working Group and STSC, no dissent was given by any of the three members who have been quoted in a news report by Reuters, namely, Dr. Mathew Varghese, Dr M. D. Gupte and Dr. J. P Muliyil. Further, it is on record that Dr. Mathew Varghese has denied talking to Reuters on the issue of his alleged dissent