Realizing the need for transforming e-Governance services to M-Governance, Haryana Chief Minister launches ‘Jan Sahayak-Aapka Sahayak’ Mobile App

The app aims to facilitate anywhere-anytime-anybody delivery of  G2C and B2C services through one access point

Jan Sahayak- Apka Sahayak portal to act as  IT gateway of Haryana, says Manohar Lal

Mobile platform setup in Hindi and English for the convenience of the users

Chandigarh, June 30: Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal who in his last six and a half years tenure has always advocated the need for Paperless, Faceless and Transparent governance,  while once again realizing the need for transforming e-Governance services to M-Governance today launched ‘Jan Sahayak-Aapka Sahayak’ a mobile platform ensuring ‘anywhere-anytime-anybody’ delivery of Government to Citizen (G2C) and Business to Citizen (B2C) services through one access point.

The Chief Minister while addressing a press conference here today said that like last year,  this year too, as social distancing becomes a new norm, every wing of the State Government too made it a mandate to digitally provide various citizen-centric services.
“We have already taken various e-Governance initiatives to ensure timely delivery of citizen-centric services but in this era of smartphones, a need was felt for delivery of these services to every individual at their doorstep by setting up a mobile service delivery gateway”, said Sh. Manohar Lal.

The Chief Minister said that State Government is already providing more than 551 government services and schemes of 42 departments to the people of the state through Saral Portal.
“Last year an ambitious programme ‘Mera Parivar-Meri Pehchan’  was started. Under this a unique Parivar Pehchan Patra cards are being made so that every eligible family gets the benefits of all the services and schemes,” he added.

App offers detailed info about G2C and Emergency Services

The Chief Minister said that ‘Jan Sahayak-Aapka Sahayak’  would be a single digital platform having necessary information about various government services, emergency helplines and other information.

He informed that through this app any citizen can avail all the Emergency Services (Direct Dialing) including 112 emergency calls, 100 police, 108 ambulances, 101 fire, 104 health, 1091 women’s helpline, 1098 children’s helpline number, 1075 COVID-19 helpline. Besides this, other Government to Citizen Services (G2C) namely Saral Services, Department Wise Services, User Wise Services, Public Grievances and RTI have also be made available on this mobile platform,  the Chief Minister further shared.

He said that information about other services including Tenders, Bill Payment, Travel, Jobs, Sports Infrastructure, Skill Development can also be obtained easily through this application.

Access to all G2C services on smartphones

The Chief Minister said that this mobile platform has been set up in Hindi and English for the convenience of the users. Through this, all types of Government to Citizen (G2C) services will be available on Android and Apple platforms, he informed.

He further informed that through this mobile application, anyone can get detailed and authentic information about various services like information of new jobs, tenders and upcoming events, payment of bills, press releases, calendar and Haryana phone directory.
After downloading this ‘Jan Sahayak-Aapka Sahayak App’ app, citizens after verifying their registered mobile numbers and Parivar Pehchan Patra Ids can register themselves on the application.

Mobile web search made easier

The Chief Minister informed that ‘Jan Sahayak-Aapka Sahayak’ is designed in such a way that the citizen can easily access all the services provided in the Saral Portal or raise issues in the Public Grievances Section. The search can easily be made by just typing the name, category and department etc. rather than scrolling the entire list on the page.

App to keep citizens up-to-date with  government notifications

The Chief Minister said that through this app the citizens will be able to receive government notifications. Through this app, the State Government can send notifications to the citizens of a particular district, age group, etc. he said that the latest news,  details of the calendar and programmes, latest government achievements and announcements, telephone directory would also be available with this app.
The App empowers citizens to share suggestions

Sh. Manohar Lal shared that through this mobile platform, citizens can also give their suggestions on the services provided by the government. The suggestions given by them will be incorporated by the concerned departments to ensure the best service delivery. Every citizen will be able to see the history of services being provided in this mobile application.

On this occasion, Chief Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Sh. D. S. Dhesi, Additional Chief Secretary, Urban Local Bodies Department, Sh. S. N. Roy, Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister and Director General, Information, Public Relations Department, Dr. Amit Agrawal, Principal Secretary, General Administration Department, Sh. Vijayendra Kumar, Director, Urban Local Bodies Department, Sh. Ashok Kumar Meena and Principle Media Advisor to Chief Minister, Sh. Vinod Mehta were present.

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