Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal has directed the officers of the Archaeology and Museums Department to prepare a comprehensive plan for the beautification of Gandhi Memorial Hall, Karnal

Chandigarh July 2– Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal has directed the officers of the Archaeology and Museums Department to prepare a comprehensive plan for the beautification of Gandhi Memorial Hall, Karnal. The Chief Minister was presiding over a meeting of officers of the Archaeology and Museums Department and the Karnal Smart City Project in this regard here today. Minister of State for Archeology and Museums, Sh. Anoop Dhanak was also present during the meeting.

        The Chief Minister said that the Gandhi Memorial Hall should be beautified as per a theme based on the history of Karnal so that the citizens get detailed information about the glorious history of Karnal. He said that Karnal is the city of Maharaja Karan and if the theme gives information about the history of Mahabharata, then more people will be attracted. He said that there are 134 such places in and around Karnal belonging to Mahabharata period, which must be acknowledged in the Memorial Hall.

The Chief Minister said that it is a historical place. If we do good work on this site, more people will be influenced and people will get a grand and magnificent heritage. He said that the entrance to this place should be such that it attracts people from far off areas. If required, then the action plan should also be implemented to acquire nearby sites. A presentation about the scheme was made by the officers of Smart City Karnal.

Principal Secretary, Archives, Archeology and Museums Department, Sh. Ashok Khemka, Deputy Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Smt. Ashima Brar, Director, Archeology Department, Sh. Mahavir Singh, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Karnal, Sh. Manoj Kumar, and other senior officers were present during the meeting.

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