Chandigarh, July 27: Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal while extending a helping hand to Sh. Amarnath Bagi, a veteran journalist in Faridabad, who has been ailing for a long time has sent financial assistance of Rs. 2 lakh from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund for his treatment.
Veteran journalist, Sh. Amarnath Bagi has thanked the Chief Minister for giving timely help to him for his treatment.
The 94-year-old Sh. Amarnath Bagi, Editor of Sher-e-Haryana newspaper who has been working in the field of journalism for the last 70 years, is ill for the past several days.
Sh. Amarnath, who devoted his entire life to journalism and society, was not able to bear the cost of his treatment and had sought help. This was when the Chief Minister got this information and he immediately came forward to help the veteran journalist.
The Chief Minister immediately directed to send an amount of Rs. 2 lakh to Sh. Amaranth from Chief Minister’s Relief Fund and on Monday, he said that the amount was deposited in the account of journalist Sh Amarnath Bagi.