Chandigarh, August 12 – Haryana Minister for Jails, Sh. Ranjit Singh said that a recommendation for release of 17 prisoners, who have shown good conduct, lodged in various jails of the State would be sent to the government. The government will take the final decision for their release.
Sh. Singh was presiding over a meeting of the State Level Committee in this regard today. He said that the meeting discussed the release of 42 prisoners on the basis of good conduct and their behaviour while in Jail. These matters are being sent to the government for the final decision. The government considers the release of well behaved prisoners on Independence Day and Republic Day.
Additional Chief Secretary, Jails, Sh. Rajeev Arora, Director General of Police Jails, Sh. Shatrujit Kapoor, IGP Jails, Sh. Jagjit Singh, LR Smt. Bimlesh Tanwar and many senior officers were present in this meeting.