Chandigarh, August 29 2021 In the recent Vidhan Sabha session, the Haryana Government introduced the amended ‘Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Haryana Amendment) Bill, 2021’ related to land acquisition on which opposition leaders raised multiple concerns. Haryana Deputy Chief Minister, Sh. Dushyant Chautala today countered all the issues that were raised regarding the bill and clarified every concern.
During the press conference here today, he said that 9 months ago the opposition leaders who used to spread confusion among the people regarding three laws related to agriculture made by the Central Government that mandis will be closed, the MSP will end, the same persons today are misleading people regarding the said amended bill.
He said that neither the mandis were closed nor the MSP was abolished, whereas new mandis have been notified wherever necessary.
Sh. Dushyant Chautala said that under the Act related to land acquisition, land has been acquired continuously for various projects in the past, due to this the matter was delayed in some courts, due to which there was a need to make the present amendment. With the amendment of the bill, it will be easier to complete projects like water houses, grain markets, bridges, schools etc. in the state soon.
He informed that the state government is taking up various projects on e-Bhoomi by taking land with the consent of the people. He informed that since January 2021 till now, many farmers have given about 845 acres of land with their consent on the e-bhoomi portal for 49 projects, for which the Government has paid about Rs. 360 crore to the farmers.
The Deputy Chief Minister informed that farmers have allotted 140 acres for AIIMS Rewari, 52 acres for Karnal airstrip, 46.9 acres for new watershed in Jind, 20 acres for sewerage treatment plant in Chautala village and new grain market on new National Highway in Sirsa. Farmers have given consent on the e-bhoomi portal for 56 acres, 40 acres of land for the bridge and road connecting Faridabad-Noida on Yamuna river in Faridabad district.