”Aapki Sarkar-Aapke Saath” campaign for good governance will continue till 26 January 2022

Not a single eligible beneficiary will be deprived of the benefits of government schemes – CMShri Chouhan

December 2, 2021

Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that taking an important step in the direction of good governance in the state, “Aapki Sarkar-Aapke Saath” campaign is being run to provide benefits of all the beneficiary oriented schemes of the government to all the eligible beneficiaries. The campaign will continue without break till 26 January 2022. Through the campaign not a single eligible beneficiary would be deprived of the benefits of the government scheme. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that the State Government is committed for public welfare and Suraj.

In the campaign, applications of all eligible beneficiaries will be received by organising camps village panchayat wise in rural areas and ward wise in urban areas in every district. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan himself will also regularly review the “Aapki Sarkar-Aapke Saath” campaign at the government level.

The campaign in the district will be headed by the District Collector. Under the direction of Collector, Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat will prepare roster for rural areas Village Panchayat wise and Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Chief Municipal Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Municipal Council, Gram Panchayat or ward wise by organising camps in urban areas. A copy of the prescribed roster will be sent to the General Administration Department. This roster will also be recorded in the MIS module specially designed for the campaign on the CM Helpline.

A nodal officer will be appointed for each camp in the district. While preparing for the camp, the eligible beneficiaries in all the gram panchayats and wards will be marked beforehand and applications will be received and they will be checked. In the examination and identification of eligible beneficiaries, such beneficiaries, who have been deprived of the benefits of the scheme in the past due to any reason, the newly eligible beneficiaries in CM helpline and public hearings, those who did not get the benefit of beneficiary oriented schemes will be included. The final disposal of all the applications received in each camp will be done compulsorily and the eligible beneficiaries will be provided benefits on the spot.

All local public representatives will be invited to the camp in the campaign. Benefit will be distributed to the eligible beneficiaries through local public representatives at the camp site itself. Wide publicity will be given to the date, time and location of the camps as per the roster. Such applications, which are not resolved during the camp due to some unavoidable reasons, will be redressed within 10 to 15 days by holding the camp again at the same place and benefitting the eligible beneficiaries. The guidelines for control of Covid-19 infection will also be strictly followed by ensuring all necessary arrangements for citizens’ seating arrangements, drinking water etc. at the camp site.

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