Advisor K K Sharma at the Urban Connect event

Following the successful completion of government’s unique initiative ‘Back to Village’ programme, the Jammu and Kashmir administration launched an Urban Connect programme “MY TOWN MY PRIDE” across the Union territory. In this connection, Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Kewal Kumar Sharma, started the event at historic Samba fort with hope of success of this programme of the government envisaging development of urban parts of the UT with added effort and skill.
District Development Commissioner, Rohit Khajuria, Director Urban Local bodies, Veer Ji Hangloo, Chairman, Special Tribunal J&K, Abdul Majid (Visiting Officer), Senior Superintendent of Police, Rajesh Sharma, Chairman Municipal Council, Pawan Kholi district officers and locals were present on the event.
Speaking on the occasion, Advisor Sharma said that the Jammu and Kashmir government is to provide the decision making policy at individual household doorstep and “My Town My Pride” programme is a step taken in this direction. He said the purpose of the programme cannot be achieved unless public uses this opportunity to fulfill the development gaps in their locality. He asked for complete public participation in this urban public outreach programme towards success of this  project for good of the urban populace.
During the event, the government departments have set up departmental stalls, registration counters and certificate enrollment and distribution stations to ask the public get these vital services at their door steps.
Advisor Sharma urge upon the people to use benefit of all government schemes like domicile and income certificates, old age PHC pension registration, ration card updation, Aadhar enrolment besides services being extended by horticulture, sericulture, fisheries, agriculture and banks and other pro public schemes.
My town My pride is a programme which will not only spread awareness about government sponsored schemes among the urban public but will also reduce corruption as this programme makes the pubic officer accountable through local governance.
Appraisal of the urban development schemes, including 14th Finance Commission, Sawach Bharat Mission, Prime Minister Awas yojana Urban (PMAY-U), AMRUT, CAPEX, ICDS (Nutrition), shall also be taken up by the Visiting Officer which will be presented in a docket file for top most priority at government level. The Visiting Officer shall also take review of access to urban amenities in urban local bodies like roads, lane, drains, sewerage treatment, parks, green spaces, street lighting civic amenities, solid waste management, housing, drinking water and other services.
Meanwhile, other municipal committees of district Samba also witnessed public enthusiasm regarding the My Town My Pride programme with Visiting Officers taking cognizance of local issues.
The Visiting Officer included Jatinder Singh, Director Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs at Municipal Committee Ramgarh, Anoo Malhotra, Director Industries and Commerce at Municipal Committee Vijaypur and Nitu Gupta, Mission Director ICDS at Municipal Committee Bari-Brahman