Chandigarh January 18, 2022 :-
The Young Communicators Club of the School of Communication Studies, Panjab University (PU) today conducted a workshop in collaboration with Public Relations Council of India, Chandigarh Chapter.
The workshop ‘Antarchkashu- The Eye Within’, focused upon creating awareness on the lives of the visually challenged. The chief guest for the event was Mr. Vinod Chadha, Hon’ble President of the National Association for the Blind, Chandigarh & Punjab branch.
The workshop was conducted by Krishna Warrier, a consultant from Xavier’s Resource Centre for the Visually Challenged (XRCVC), St Xavier’s College, Mumbai. It was an Immersion Workshop on Disability. During the session, he simulated blindness through specific activities. This allowed the audience members to get an insight into the lives of persons with visual impairment.
The activities were followed by an interaction with Ganesh Phalke, an inspirational and motivational speaker and student who lost his eyesight at the age of 9. He narrated his journey from losing his eyesight to graduating college. The audience members got to ask him questions and express their thoughts around visual impairment.
The chief guest, Mr. Vinod Chadha also gave a keynote address and enlightened the audience with his insightful thoughts. He mentioned in his address that, “to be human, is to keep trying”.
The workshop ended with everyone expressing their wish to participate in many such interactive sessions in the future.