Avail maximum benefits of welfare schemes of building and other construction board: Industries Minis

परिवहन निगम में कार्यरत 631 पीस मील वर्कर्स को अनुबंध पर तैनाती

Shimla,30 June 2021
Industries Minister Bikram Singh while presiding over the Board of Directors meeting of HP Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (HPBOCWW Board) here today reviewed the progress of the board and urged the workers working in the state to get them registered in maximum number in Himachal Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board so that the benefits being provided under the Board can be availed.
He said that the state government is committed for the welfare of the workers. He said that as many as 3,03,848 workers have been registered under the board and Rs.186.37 crores have been spent under various welfare schemes during the time of present government.
Industries Minister said that with a view to help the registered construction workers in the adverse circumstances arisen due to Covid-19 pandemic, two thousand per worker were transferred to the bank accounts of the workers by the government. He said that in this way an amount of Rs.77.96 crore was deposited in the bank accounts of 1,35,560 registered construction workers who has worked for minimum of 90 days every year.
He said that Rs. 51,000 in the shape of FDR would be given on the birth of a female child, maximum upto two girls, which could be encased only after attaining the age of 18 years. Apart from this, the financial assistance of Rs. 20,000 per year would be provided for the care of specially challenged children of registered construction workers. The registered widow beneficiaries would be provided Rs. 1500 per month. An amount of Rs. 15,000 to 20,000 per year would be given for the hostel facility of children of registered workers. Similarly, under Mukhya Mantri Awas Yojna, Rs. 1,50,000 would be provided as financial assistance under the existing Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna or Mukhya Mantri Awas Yojna.
The Industries Minister said that present government is giving more emphasis on the education of children. The stipends would be provided for the children of registered construction workers to facilitate them to continue their studies. For this purpose, Rs. 8,400 per annum to 1st to 8th class children and Rs. 12,000 per annum to 9th to 12th class children of registered construction workers would be provided as stipend irrespective of their gender. Similarly, the stipend of Rs. 36,000 to those doing graduation, Rs. 60,000 to post graduate students, Rs. 48,000 to ITI students, Rs. 60,000 to polytechnic diploma students and Rs. 1,20,000 to Law, MBA, MBBS students and Ph.D scholars would be provided as stipend to the children of registered construction workers.
The Industries Minister directed officers of the board to work for the welfare of beneficiaries of the board and ensure their registration so that they could avail all benefits of the welfare schemes being implemented under the HP Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board.
He said that various welfare schemes under the board would be publicized so maximum people come to know about these schemes and draw the benefits.
Secretary-cum-CEO HP Building and Other Construction Workers Board Ghanshayam Chand conducted the proceedings of the meeting.
Additional Chief Secretary Industries Ram Subhag Singh, Executive Director HIMUDA Nishant Thakur and other senior officers and non-official members of Board of Directors were present on the occasion.