A saviour one would find in the market is the red coloured beetroot. This vegetable seems attractive to everyone because of it’s great mesmerizing colour but did you know it has great health benefits too? It strengthens your immune system and helps you fight away deadly viruses. Thus, one should include it in their daily diet. Another major benefit of the vegetable is that it increases the amount of haemoglobin in the blood which is required for healthy functioning of the body cells. Apart from it, there are several other benefits of beetroot. Some of them have been listed below:

1. Helps In Maintaining Blood Pressure: A major wonder beetroot does is, controlling the blood pressure. High blood pressure is a common problem among adults and they find it hard to regulate it. However, a study proved that people who consumed beetroot juice on a daily basis were able to control their blood pressure and bring it to normal.
2. Heart Fitness: People who have formerly suffered from a heart-attack must consume beetroot juice after consulting their doctor. This is because beetroot consists of nitrate which is very useful in regulating blood pressure and prevents the risk of heart diseases.
3. Cancer Prevention: A major benefit that beetroot provides is: it reduces the risk of cancer. The betelin in the beetroot is an efficient substance which can destroy cancer cells in the body by helping the immune system detect them.
4. Useful For Anaemic People: Anaemia can be cured with the help of beetroot which increases the production of haemoglobin in the body, thus increasing the red blood cells. People who suffer from anaemia are advised by the doctors to consume beetroot daily in the form of juice for quick recovery.