Benefits Of Yoghurt

Benefits Of Yoghurt

Benefits Of Yoghurt

Yoghurt is made by adding bacteria to milk. The milk ferments, and the result is a highly nutritious, probiotic food that has a number of culinary uses. In addition to being good for your gut, yoghurt contains an array of nutrients such as protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and other vitamins. If you are lactose intolerant, yoghurt can usually be eaten without a problem. The bacteria in yoghurt turns the lactose in milk into lactic acid, making yoghurt easier to digest than other dairy products.


  1. Digestion

Yoghurt is easily digestible compared to milk. This can be attributed to the live cultures, the probiotic bacteria that is produced through fermentation.


  1. Good for bones

Consuming dairy products is associated with higher bone density and a decreased risk of osteoporosis. The calcium and protein content in yoghurt can be attributed to improving bone health and strengthening bone structure if consumed on a regular basis.


  1. Controls blood pressure

High blood pressure can be a sign of many different kinds of heart concerns including heart attack or stroke.A study found that by eating only two servings of yoghurt a week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 20%.


  1. Strengthens Immune System

Consuming yoghurt that has high amounts of probiotics can improve your immune health and reduce the likelihood of contracting an illness. One of the most unique attributes of probiotics is its ability to heal inflammation in the gut. The anti-inflammatory effects of probiotic bacteria can counteract certain gut related disorders, viral infections and other immune disorders.


  1. Lowers Cholesterol

Studies have shown that yoghurt can increase “good” HDL cholesterol and lower “bad” LDL cholesterol. In addition, subjects who ate yoghurt were found to have a lower BMI, waist circumference and lower triglyceride levels.


  1. Reduce Yeast Infections

A vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that is caused by a type of yeast called “candida”. The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include irritation, discharge and intense itchiness of the vagina. Eating yoghurt regularly can prevent yeast infections and restore the balance of microflora in your gut.


  1. Reduce Allergy Symptoms

The probiotics in yoghurt can actually steer off unwanted allergy symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing. Probiotics help balance the bacteria in your digestive system and may prevent the immune system from overreacting to pollen and other allergens”.