Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Friday urged Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh to grant special permission to defence personnel who have retired from service to return to their home states amid the countrywide lockdown due to COVID-19.
In a letter to the Union Defence Minister, Captain Amarinder Singh further said that in case it was not feasible to enable them to return home immediately, then the Command Headquarters across the country should be directed to take special care of them until these defence personnel are able to get the requisite permissions.
Captain Amarinder further pointed out that Punjab contributes significantly to the strength of the armed forces, who are engaged in defending the nation. Every month, a significant number of such defence personnel retire from the services, he said, adding that a large number of them hailing from Punjab are unable to come back to the state at present in view of the lockdown, and continue to be stationed in their last place of posting.
“Undoubtedly they are facing considerable mental trauma because of the inability to be reunited with their near and dear ones,” said the Chief Minister.