Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking immediate release of Rs. 6752.83 crore towards the state’s arrears of GST compensation pending since October 2, 2019.
He has urged the Prime Minister to direct the Union Ministry of Finance to ensure the release of these arrears on priority in view of the critical situation arising out of the COVID-19 crisis.
In these excruciating time, where both the Central and State Governments are coping with the challenges arising out of COVID-19, the release of this arrear would provide a big relief to Punjab, said the Chief Minister.
The amount of Rs. 6752.83 crore, pending as arrears of compensation, if released, would help the Punjab Government in minimising the impact of this catastrophe, besides providing desired relief to the poor and needy, he added.
Reiterating his Government’s commitment to support the endeavours of the Central Government in mitigating the adverse impact of this catastrophe, Captain Amarinder Singh further said that deferment of taxes and relaxation in procedural obligations would provide a big reprieve to trade and industry and alleviate some, if not all, stress on the common man.