CEC chairs meeting with drought assessment committee

KARGIL, MAY 12, 202: Chairman and Chief Executive Councilor (CEC), LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmed Khan today chaired a meeting of concerned officers for conducting of survey/assessment of drought-hit area in the district.

Executive Councilor Social Welfare, Aga Syed Hassan Arman Mosavi, Executive Councilor Tourism and Zanskar Affairs, Er Phunsok Tashi, Executive Councilor Works, Aga Syed Abass Razvi, Executive Councilor Health Mohsin Ali, Superintending Engineer I&FC Tashi Tundup, Sub-Divisional Magistrates, concerned officers of Agriculture, Horticulture, Sheep Husbandry, PHE, I&FC were present during the meeting.

During the course of meeting, CEC Khan inquired from the concerned officers about the preparations and steps taken by various departments as part of drought mitigation action plan in various drought-affected and drought-prone areas for the current season.

Superintending Engineer Tashi Tundup apprised the CEC that distribution of 6 pipes at various villages of the district including Akchamal, Umba, Doks, Chokiyal, Thela and at other villages have already been done. He further informed that the distribution has been done on the need and demand of the people.

SE I&FC further informed that the purchasing of pies was done last year under SDP budget and around 3350 meters of 6 inch pipes, 600 meters of 8 inch and around 300 metres of 10 and 12 inch pipes are still left to be distributed among the people.

CEC Khan directed the concerned officer to distribute the remaining pipes among the people who are in dire need for cultivation and drinking purpose to avoid uncertain distress among the people due to possible drought situation in future.

The SE I&FC further informed that out of total 36 solar pumps, 19 solar pumps have already been procured and the reaming will be procured soon.

He further informed that 1 solar pump has been installed and is functional while at 7 sites the installation work is going on in full swing.

CEC Khan directed the concerned officers to set a deadline of a week or 10 days with the contractors and complete the all installation works of solar pumps with the set timeline.

Khan stressed that the installation of solar pumps should be complete as soon as possible so that farmers can get the maximum befits of it during the farming season.

CEC Khan directed the concerned officers of Animal and Sheep Husbandry Department to frame a joint committee and conduct the survey of severely drought prone areas, affected animals and furnish the report for approval of special drought package from UT Ladakh administration.

The concerned officer from Horticulture Department informed the CEC that the possible effect of harmful insect on apricots may have less effect this year. The concerned officer said that may be next year the impact may have severe adding that suitable solution to keep apricots safe should be charted out immediately.

CEC Khan directed the concerned officer to find suitable ways in consultation with experts, scientists and other concerned and furnish the report for further administrative approval.

The CEC also took review meeting of concerned SDMS of Shakar-Chiktan, Drass and Sankoo. SDM Shakar Chiktan informed the CEC that around 4 villages, 4 hamlets of the sub division and around 7 villages of Shargole areas are under complete drought-hit areas.

The SDM further informed that a committee comprising Animal and Sheep Husbandry Departments will conduct a joint survey for further assessment and furnish the report at the earliest.

SDM Drass informed the meeting that in Drass, there is not much threat of drought situation as of now. He said in lower areas of Drass where there is possibility of drought includes villages like Sumat, Dandal and in Shimsha.

SDM Sankoo informed the meeting that the committee of the concern departments is already conducting the survey and assessment of the drought situation in the area adding that the report will be furnished within two days.

CEC Khan directed the concerned officers to work in coordination with each other and on war footing basis to provide relief to farmer community in the distress situation.

Meanwhile, the CEC directed ACR Kargil to prepare a detailed report of the district on drought situation at the earliest for the suitable follows with UT administration for early redressal.


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