CEC Feroz Khan inaugurates interschool Volleyball and Handball Tournament

KARGIL, NOV 07, 2022 :-  
Chairman/CEC, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmed Khan today inaugurated Under 19, 17 and 14 boys, girls interschool Volleyball and Handball Tournament organized by District Youth Services and Sports Department at Khree Sultan Choo Sports Stadium Biamathang, Kargil.
Executive Councilor Health Mohsin Ali, Zonal Physical Education Officers, Principals of Higher Secondary Schools, large number of students, participants from different schools were present during the inaugural session.
Speaking on the occasion, the CEC congratulated the DYSS Department Kargil for organizing such a sports event.
Khan advised students to take maximum benefit of the event to sharpen their sports skill adding that along with studies sportsmanship is equally important for students.
The CEC said LAHDC, Kargil along with the Union Territory Administration is committed to develop sports infrastructure in schools and at district level.
Khan said students have an enormous talent to represent Ladakh at various national and international platforms. He stressed students to take more interest in traditional games like archery, ice hockey and skating in order to promote these games at various platforms.
The CEC said Kargil has a huge potential for winter sports and in this regard, many infrastructure developmental works including development of ice hockey rinks at various sub-divisions and blocks have been completed. He also said indoor stadiums with modern facilities at various sub-divisions will be developed.
Khan said from the subsidy component of the LAHDC Budget, various sports equipment were distributed to the clubs and schools at subdivision level and the UT Administration will distribute equipment to various clubs at the district level.
Pertinently, around 22 High Secondary Schools, 14 High Schools and 19 Middle Schools are participating in the tournament.