CEC Kargil chairs meeting regarding incorporation of schemes under subsidy component

Kargil, August 18, 2022 :-  Chairman and Chief Executive Councilor (CEC), LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmed Khan today chaired a meeting regarding incorporation of several schemes under the subsidy component (2022-23) at Council Secretariat.
The meeting was attended by Executive Councilor Health Mohsin Ali, Executive Councilor Works Mubarak Shah Nagvi, Executive Councilor Handloom Aga Syed Mehdi Fazily, Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Ghulam Mohi-ud-in Wani, Assistant Commissioner Development (ACD) Ghulam Muhammad, Chief Controller Finance (CCF), LAHDC, Kargil Iftikhar Hussain, besides other concerned officers attended the meeting.
During the meeting, detailed discussions and deliberations were held department-wise on the procurement of materials and machineries under the subsidy component.
Respective heads of the departments gave their suggestions and necessary modifications which need to be incorporated in proportion with guidelines and the budget estimate.
Regarding Handloom Department, the CEC said that for existing units, only raw materials will be supplied while new machineries will be provided to newly established units.
Khan directed the concerned officer from the Cooperative Department to mention the specific details of registered cooperative societies and machineries to be procured this year.
The CEC directed the CCF to ensure approval of all schemes. CCF was further directed to issue guidelines for identification of beneficiaries and strict adherence to those guidelines must also be ensured. All concerned were directed to ensure collection of beneficiary share of the scheme well in time.
Khan also directed the CCF to incorporate all the necessary suggestions and modifications that came up during the meeting to expedite the tendering process at the earliest.
He also directed the CCF to fix a time period for the beneficiaries to collect procured materials on time. The CEC also said that if any beneficiary fails to meet the deadline, the concerned Councilor will be responsible for the same.