- Process of linking of Voter Card and Aadhar to be completed well in advance: CEO Punjab, says Dr Raju
- Agenda of elections to be incorporated in the monthly meetings of DCs
Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Punjab Dr S Karuna Raju on Monday urged Deputy Commissioners-cum-District Election Officers to ensure wide publicity and seamless execution as per the newly introduced four qualifying dates – 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October, which will come into effect from the start of revision activities from November 9, 2022.
Dr. Raju, who was presiding over a virtual meeting also emphasized that the process of linking of Voter Card with Aadhar by filling up Form 6B has begun across the country as per the statutory requirement and should be completed in the state of Punjab well before the deadline i.e. March 31, 2023. “Linking of a Voter Card with Aadhar is on a voluntary basis,” added Dr Raju.
CEO Punjab along with Additional CEO Punjab B Srinivasan apprised the Deputy Commissioners-cum-District Election Officers about the changes in the electoral forms. “Form 6 B has been introduced for collection of Aadhar or other documents; Provision of adding death certificate has been added in the Form 7, there have been changes in the Form 8, enabling provision for shifting for electors, correction in entries, application for duplicate EPIC & marking the disability of voters and Form 8A and Form 001 have been discontinued,” apprised Dr Raju.
Dr Raju also urged the DCs to focus on pre-revision activities as per the Special Summary Revision – 2023. “Rationalization of polling station should be completed on mission mode in consultation of representatives of political parties at district level. No polling station should have more than 1500 voters and the distance to a polling station should not be more than 2 km for any voter,” he said, adding that Pre-revision will include removal of discrepancies in Demographically Similar Entries (DSEs) and Photo Similar Entries (PSEs) in EPICs. Revision activities will be held between the period of 09.11.2022 to 08.12.2022 and citizens will also get the opportunity for filing claims and objections during this period.
CEO Punjab further asked DCs to include Special Summary Revision, Electoral Registration and Purification of Electoral Roll as agenda point in monthly meetings and establish a committee comprising of Electoral Registration Officers (EROs), EVM Nodal Officer and SVEEP Nodal Officer for this purpose.