ChairmanBindra honours Tokyo Olympian Sports Shooter Anjum Moudgil

SAS Nagar, August 26 2021
Chairman Punjab Youth Development Board S.Sukhwinder Singh Bindra honoured Olympian Shooter Anjum Modgil today at his Officein Forest Complex, Sector-68, Mohali. Speakingon the Occasion Mr. Bindra said that Anjum Moudgil has made the country proud inthe Olympics and he is feeling glad to honor Anjum Moudgil. He said that AnjumMoudgil has become a Source of Inspiration for the Youth of the countryespecially for Girls. Such remarkable achievements are possible only if theYouth choose to work hard in Sports after shunning the path of drugs. Chairman Bindrasaid that the board is distributing Sports Kits across the State so that theYouth could stay away from drugs and focus on Sports.Onthis Occasion, Sh. Prince Pal Khullar Senior Vice Chairman, Sh. Vikram KambojVice Chairman, Mrs. Poonam Thakur Member, Sh. Jaswinder Singh Dhunna Member,Sh. Lakhvir Singh Member, Sh. Nirmal Singh Dullat Member, Sh. Akashdeep SinghLali Member and Dr. Amit Sharma Member, Sh. Nitin Tandon, Sh. Nitin Arora, Sh.Satinder Pal Singh, Sh. Davinder Pal Singh Kharbanda, IAS, Director, Sports andYouth Services, Punjab, Dr. Kamaljit Singh Sidhu, Deputy Director, YouthServices, Head Office, Punjab, Smt. Rupinder Kaur, Assistant Director, HeadOffice, Punjab were present.