On the appeal of Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh, the Chairmen and employees of all categories of Punjab Agro has contributed a sum of Rs 21.75 lakh in Chief Minister Relief Fund COVID-19.
Disclosing this here today, an official spokesperson informed that the Group A and B & C officers/officials of Punjab Agro and its allied units had contributed 25% and 20 % of their salaries respectively to the fund while Group-D officials donated 15 % of their salary.
Meanwhile, ACS Development Viswajeet Khanna highly appreciated this benevolent gesture of the officials/staff to express their solidarity with the people of the state in this hour of crisis.
The Spokesperson further informed that the Chairman Punjab Agri Export Corporation Ltd R.S. Pali and Punjab Agro Foodgrains Corporation Ltd Geeta Sharma have also contributed their one month’s salary towards CM Relief Fund.
The Chairman of Punjab Agro Industries Corporation Joginder Singh Mann and Chairman Punjab Agro Juices Ltd. Kulwant Singh, who are already working on honorary basis, lauded the help extended by the officers/officials of Punjab Agro as a welfare measure to needy people amid COVID-19.