Chief Minister announces Rs 200 fee hike under rule 134 A

हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री श्री मनोहर लाल ने उन सभी सुरक्षा कर्मियों को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की है

Schools had demanded increasing the reimbursement

Only children of families earning less than Rs. 2 lakh will get  admission under this rule, Manohar Lal

So far 12,000 meritorious children have got admission, Chief Minister


Chandigarh, January 7 – Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal while accepting the demand raised by private schools running in Haryana for increasing reimbursement given to these schools for giving admissions to the meritorious students under Rule 134 A of the Haryana School Education Rule, announced an increase of Rs 200 fees for the current academic session 2021-22, giving them an annual profit of around Rs. 2400.

Recently some schools had denied admissions to these students, claiming that the current charged fee is less. Therefore the Chief Minister announced a reimbursement hike while addressing a press conference here today.

Education Minister, Sh. Kanwar Pal and Additional Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Dr. Amit Agrawal also remained present.

“With this increase, now in rural areas, the fee of BPL/EWS students studying from class I to V is increased from Rs. 300 to 500 and Rs. 700 from 500 for the students studying in classes VI to VIII. Similarly, the fees of students studying till class V in urban areas is increased from Rs. 500 to 700 and from Rs. 700 to Rs 900 for the students studying in classes VI to VIII. At present around 12,000 students are enrolled in these schools, hence with this hike, the schools would get an annual profit of around Rs. 2400, said Sh. Manohar Lal.

He said that in a bid to provide education to poor children under rule 134 A, about 40,000 children had taken the examination. After the income verification done under PPP, a controversy was created that the families having income above Rs 2,00,000 also wish to get their children enrolled for getting education under 134 A but this is not feasible, said Sh. Manohar Lal.

“Only after the verification done through Deputy Commissioner and District Education Officer, children of families earning less than Rs. 2,00000 have been given admission under this rule and so far 12,000 children have got admission. The admission of the rest of the eligible children which are around 28,000 will be done in two-three days,” shared the Chief Minister.

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