Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh calls on Union Minister Shri Sadananda Gowda at New Delhi today

Delhi 16 JUN 2021

Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan met Union Minister of Chemicals & Fertilisers Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda at his office today.

Shri Gowda stated that sufficient quantities will be positioned in the State of Madhya Pradesh to meet demand of farmers. As on June 14th, Madhya Pradesh has sufficient closing stock of 5.49 lakh MT of urea and 2.86 lakh of DAP.The Union Minister assured that Ministry will further help in all possible ways.

During the meeting the Minister highlighted that the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has taken a historic pro-farmer decision to give substantial hike in subsidy of DAP by Rs 700/- per bag as a onetime measure for ongoing Kharif season. This has resulted in total subsidy of Rs 1200/- per bag on DAP, Rs 500 per bag was already being given since last year. Since this is a nutrient based subsidy, other P & K fertilisers will also receive higher subsidy on account of raise in higher subsidy on phosphatic nutrient, and will help in holding their price to around last year’s level.

Shri Gowda further stated that international prices of finished DAP and its raw material has seen steep rise since December of 2020. It is therefore important to encourage use of other good alternatives of DAP like NPK fertilisers &Single Super Phosphate.