Chandigarh, March 30 – Haryana State Vigilance Bureau has arrested an ESI of the CID red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 20,000. In addition, Sub-Inspector posted at the Saha police station, Ambala has also been arrested under the Prevention of Corruption Act.
Giving information here today, a spokesperson of the Vigilance Bureau said that Kulwinder Singh, ESI had accepted the bribe in lieu of delaying the raid/arrest of the complainant in a case already registered in the Saha police station on behalf of Sub-Inspector Rishipal posted.
In his complaint, the complainant had alleged that Sub-Inspector Rishipal is demanding Rs 50,000 for not raiding and delaying the arrest in a case registered against him and his relatives. Out of which Rs 20,000 was to be given in the first installment.
Acting on the complaint, the Vigilance team laid a trap and caught the ESI Kulwinder Singh red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 20000. Later the team arrested the accused Sub-Inspector.
The spokesperson said that further investigation is being done against both of them by registering a case under the Prevention of Corruption Act at the Bureau Police Station.