Comprehensive gateway of STI information on SERB supported projects

Comprehensive gateway of STI information on SERB supported projects

March 11th

A comprehensive gateway of real-time STI information and knowledge can now forge a strong scientist-scientist, and science-society connect.

A portal that can help retrieve real-time information about research support provided by the Science and Engineering Board (SERB), the premier agency for planning, promoting, and funding of internationally competitive research in emerging areas, has been developed.

The portal called ‘SERB – PRoject Information System & Management (SERB – PRISM)’ developed by SERB, a Statutory body of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), was launched by Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Chairman, SERB, & Secretary, DST, recently, through an e-platform.

Speaking on this occasion, Prof Sharma suggested that the portal should be linked with important sectors such as water, energy, and climate as well as with Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR).

SERB-PRISM provides a platform which makes project details, research outcomes, facilities created, and their achievements originating from SERB funding accessible while allowing researchers to look at research trends, learn about cutting-edge science, locate critical equipment in their vicinity and help seek collaborations across disciplines.

Prof. Sandeep Verma, Secretary, SERB, highlighted the salient features of SERB-PRISM and its utility in the context of democratization of R&D funding trends since the inception of SERB.

This portal is designed to provide information regarding projects sanctioned by SERB from 2011 onwards, including funding details, status, research summary, and project output information such as publications and patents. Search facilities enables retrieval of information about projects by Name of PI, institution, state, keywords, as well as year-wise listing and equipment that has been sanctioned by SERB in these projects.


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