Consumers will be able to monitor power consumption with smart meter

Consumers can get power meters recharged as per need

To get discount on power bill, install smart meter

Chandigarh, September 1– To provide real time meter reading and accurate billing facility without installing meter-readers to its consumers, Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam, which is among leading distribution companies of the country, has taken up Smart Metering Project on a large scale.

          Now, the consumers can monitor their real time meter reading, actual per day consumption and make online payments and other payments by registering on DISCOM web portal ( or on “UHBVN Smart Meter” mobile app available on Playstore and iOS. Besides providing the facility of online recharging the smart meters also have the feature of pre-paid, wherein the prepaid balance is updated on daily basis as per the consumption of the user. To promote prepaid billing, DISCOMs are also offering 5 per cent discount on sale of power to prepaid consumers which is beneficial for both farmers and tenants.

Giving information in this regard, an official spokesperson of the Public Utilities said that in the first phase, the cities of Panipat, Karnal and Panchkula have been identified, where about 5 lakh Smart Meters will be installed. About 1.7 lakh Smart Meters have already been installed in these cities and at present meters are being installed in Sectors-2, 9 & 11 of Panchkula, Mann Colony in Karnal, Anand Vihar, Kunjpura, DC Colony, Char Chaman, Bhushali, Hari Nagar and Bhagat Nagar of Panipat. While installing Smart Meters in these areas, every effort will be made to avoid the power supply being affected and prior information about the affected areas will be provided to the consumers of the said area.

He further added that UHBVN is committed to provide quality and transparent service and urged the consumers to download UHBVN Smart Meter Mobile App to avail this Smart Meter Scheme while maintaining social distancing during the COVID times. For more information, the consumers can contact on the helpline number 1912/18001801550.