Cooperatives Department Kargil organizes day long seminar-cum-workshop on importance of organic farming

KARGIL, SEPTEMBER 21, 2021: In order to impart awareness to the Cooperative Societies and general public for usage of minimum chemical fertilizers and to adopt organic farming for an Organic Ladakh in future, the Department of Cooperatives Kargil organized a daylong seminar-cum- workshop here on Monday.

The workshop was organized as a part of various events held in the district under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.

The objective of the seminar-cum-workshop was also to frame a road map for timely winter stocking at all sub divisional and block headquarters.

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The event was attended by more than 70 society members and supervisory staff of the department.

The Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies Kargil Dr Zakir Hussain informed on the occasion that the department has deducted the purchase of 20% of chemical fertilizers this year and is issuing organic fertilizers to the general public on 80% subsidized rates. He also informed that in future the department is planning to issue 100% organic fertilizers to the public as per the directions of the higher authorities.