SIRD organizes 58 online trainings for elected representatives of PRIs for effectively implementing welfare schemes

Tript singh Bajwa minister punjab

COVID-19: SIRD organizes 58 online trainings for elected representatives of PRIs for effectively implementing welfare schemes: Tript Bajwa

Chandigarh, August 26: State Institute of Rural Development Punjab (SIRD), an apex institute in the field of Training and Consultancy in the areas of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, has conducted 58 online training programs during lockdown period for empowering different stakeholders in Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.

          In a press communiqué, Mr. Tript Rajinder Singh Bajwa Rural Development and Panchayats Minister, Punjab said that Covid-19, being catastrophic, has affected the regular functioning of the institute; but SIRD took no time to adapt its training methodology to the prevailing situation and shifted to the online mode of training during the COVID pandemic time. He said that1316 elected representatives participated in these training and orientation courses from all over the State.

          Mr. Bajwa said that the short duration online training programmes are being orgainised with an aim to build the capacity of elected representatives and functionaries of PRIs so that they can participate effectively and appropriately in the COVID control measures as per the instructions and guidelines being issued from time to time. He said that PRIs are being guided how to promote MGNREGS for increased employment, providing livelihood opportunities for Self Help Groups, plantation of trees and cleanliness of village ponds during the need of the hour.

          Mrs. Seema Jain Financial Commissioner Rural Development said that SIRD has also developed e-learning website, Facebook Page and Youtube Channel for the purpose of sharing Best Practices of PRIs and for disseminating requisite information to the rural masses. ‘Many thematic short films and videos have also been prepared on various themes to provide significant information in a time saving and cost effective mode’, she added.

Mrs. Rozy Vaid, Prof and Head of SIRD, briefed that daily thematic messages are being sent to all the Sarpanches of Gram Panchayats for creating awareness and preparedness amongst rural masses to fight COVID pandemic and it has gone a long way to bring effective and positive responsiveness during such challenging times.

Meanwhile, Young and National Awardee Sarpanch Panthdeep Chhina who has been actively participating in all the activities of the SIRD, has appealed to all the PRIs to actively participate in all the online programmes of the SIRD to which are boon for implementing all the government schemes more effectively at ground level for the welfare and development of the Rural Areas.

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