Day Long Orientation Programme for CHOs on Non-Communicable Diseases held at District Hospital Kargil

Day Long Orientation Programme for CHOs on Non-Communicable Diseases held at District Hospital Kargil

Day Long Orientation Programme for CHOs on Non-Communicable Diseases held at District Hospital Kargil

KARGIL, MARCH 30, 2021: A day long orientation programme on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Universal Screening of NCD for the Community Heath Officers (CHOs) of Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) was held at the Training Hall of District Hospital Kargil here on Monday.

Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Kargil Dr Munawar Hussain Wazir, Community Health Officer (CHO), Kargil Syed Muhammad Shah, District Programme Manager Muhammad Ishaq, Community Heath Officers (CHOs) besides health workers were present on the occasion.

During the orientation programme, the resource persons gave training to CHOs to conduct survey about the non- communicable diseases in their areas. They were also enlightened about how to collect information and date about the status of such diseases by using the tablet devices.

CMO Kargil Dr Munawar Hussain Wazir on the occasion stressed on the CHOs to perform their duty with dedication and empathy and directed to do the NCD reporting with precision on daily basis.

Later, the CMO distributed tablet devices among the CHOs.

More than 35 CHOs attended the orientation programme.