DC Surabhi Malik flags off Urocancer Awareness Bike Rally

DC Surabhi Malik flags off Urocancer Awareness Bike Rally

Ludhiana, November 6:

A motorcycle rally to create awareness about prostate, kidney, and bladder cancers and urological problems organized by PPA Phillaur, the Motorcycle club, and Uro-Oncology Institute of Aykai Hospital was flagged off by Surabhi Malik, Deputy Commissioner Ludhiana from Rose Garden to Aykai Hospital, Ludhiana.

While speaking on the occasion, she said that she feels enthusiastic to be part of this awareness campaign and one should be very much particular about screening and early checkups.

Urologist and Transplant surgeon Dr Baldev Singh Aulakh said prostate, kidney, and bladder cancers are major killers if ignored but can be cured by surgery from an experienced urologist if detected early, hence there is a need to make the public aware. No one should ignore early warning signs like blood in urine, difficulty in passing urine, too frequent urination, pain, loss of weight, or appetite. Patients should be more cautious if there is a family history, history of smoking, high blood pressure, or weight on the higher side. Dr Aulakh also added It is estimated that 1 in 2 of us will be affected by a urology condition in our lifetime. Our urology health is vital to our quality of life. But diseases and cancers of the kidneys, bladder, prostate, and the male reproductive system are becoming more prevalent and devastating the lives of millions of men, women, and children. Moreover, Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death in men. The good news is if detected early, it is Curable. Hence there is a tremendous need to create awareness about prostate cancer, said Dr Aulakh.
The Rally was received by Dr Kaustubh Sharma, Commissioner of Police Ludhiana & Famous Punjabi Singer Inderjit Mikku who was the chief guest of the felicitation ceremony.

Dr Kaustubh Sharma said “These awareness campaigns are societal obligations that we feel are incumbent upon us. It was gratifying to see the participant’s and the staff’s excitement for such a worthy cause.” “The fight against these societal health issues, like Prostate cancer, depends heavily on public awareness.”
Nikku said it is always good to see Dr Aulakh and his team, taking initiative in making the community aware as “Awareness plays an essential role in human life. Such activities will definitely make individuals live safe and healthy life The motorcyclist and cancer survivors of the prostate, kidney, and bladder cancers who were operated on at Aykai hospital were felicitated by the special guests.