DC Urges District Industrial Units to get maximum stubble from District Farmers for Consumption

Aashika Jain(2)
ਡੀ ਸੀ ਨੇ ਪਰਾਲੀ ਨੂੰ ਬਾਲਣ ਵਜੋਂ ਵਰਤਣ ਵਾਲੇ ਜ਼ਿਲ੍ਹੇ ਦੇ ਉਦਯੋਗਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਜ਼ਿਲ੍ਹੇ ਦੇ ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਵਧ ਤੋਂ ਵਧ ਪਰਾਲੀ ਇਕੱਠੀ ਕਰਕੇ ਖਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਪ੍ਰੇਰਿਤ ਕੀਤਾ
District to provide dumping sites facility for storage of bales of stubble
DC Takes Meeting of Industrial Units and Baler Operators to Manage Stubble without setting on fire

SAS Nagar, September 11, 2024

Deputy Commissioner Aashika Jain has urged the local industry equipped with boilers to consume stubble as fuel to get maximum crop residue/stubble from local farmers.
Taking a meeting of industrial units and baler operators to facilitate them, here, the Deputy Commissioner expressed concern over the less usage of local stubble and said that the industry should assist the district administration in curbing burning incidents of stubble.

She said that the district industry has six units of stubble consumption boilers with a capacity of about 2 lakh MT while the production in the district is 1.25 lakh MT, so the industry should get the maximum Crop residue available with local farmers.
The Deputy Commissioner said that the district has these units in Lalru, Derbassi and Banur so the SDMs of these areas should map the baler operators working in these areas with them to coordinate with them for the smooth supply of stubble in the coming days.
She entrusted the task of getting demand and accordingly supply to the Environment Engineer, SAS Nagar so that the district would not witness even a single case of farm fire in the coming season.

The Deputy Commissioner assured the industry representatives and baler operators of full support including dumping sites available with the district at Derabassi, Mohali and Kharar Sub Divisions. She said that the District Administration is committed to curbing stubble burning as per the strict guidelines of the Supreme Court of India and the National Green Tribunal. Seeking the cooperation from industry, baler operators and farmers to cope with the issue of burning stubble, she said that we should set an example of zero stubble burning instances against last year’s 133 cases.

The Deputy Commissioner said that villages that witnessed more cases should be focused upon this time by informing and facilitating them with the available crop residue management machinery. The district has an existing strength of 20 balers that would rise to 25 with the addition of five more in the coming days.

The officers present in the meeting included ADC (D) Sonam Chaudhary, SDM Derabassi Himanshu Gupta, Environment Engineer PPCB Rantej Sharma, Chief Agricultural Officer Dr Gurmail Singh, representatives from Nachhiketa Paper Mill, Nahar Industrial Enterprises and Chandigarh Bottling and Distillers Limited besides baler operators.

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