Demolition of fresh un-authorized/illegal Constructions/Alterations

Chandigarh.9th July,2021: Chandigarh Housing Board demolished fresh un-authorized constructions in 05 dwelling units at Mauli Jagran,today. The fresh un-authorized constructions which have been demolished were in the nature of construction of stairs & Chajjas projecting on the public land, construction of extra floors and additional rooms. In all these 05 cases, challans to stop further constructions and remove the fresh violations were issued in July last year but these were not complied with by the allottees. Due to COVID-19 related issues, the demolitions by the CHB got delayed and the demolition exercise was carried out Today. CHB is computing cost of demolitions which will be recovered from the allottees and in case of its non-payment their allotment is liable to be cancelled.

2. To ensure effective actions against fresh illegal/un-authorized constructions, the CHB is adopting ZERO tolerance policy. Here following aspects are made clear:

a) The Enforcement Squad of the Chandigarh Housing Board is making daily inspections in all the sectors to identify fresh violations/alternations and effective actions are taken in each of such case.

b) On the spot challans are being issued by the Enforcement Squad with the direction to immediately stop further construction and remove the same. After issuance of challans, repeated inspections are carried out to see whether the further constructions have been stopped. Photographs of the fresh constructions are also being taken.

c) If further constructions are stopped and the allottee start removing the violations, the CHB wait for three days before taking up the demolition work.

d) However, if the further constructions are not stopped, then the demolition may be carried out immediately without waiting even for a single day.

e) In case of demolitions by the CHB either immediately or after three days, all the cost of demolition will be recovered from the allottee.

f) Though required pre-cautions are taken during the demolition but there is possibility that adjoining structures may get damaged and in such event the alloteee will be responsible for such extra damage to own or adjoining units.

3. The additional constructions permitted in Need Based Changes also cannot be started without submission of required documents and obtaining permission from the CHB.

4. All the allottees who have been issued Challans/demolition notices against the fresh constructions are requested to remove these violations immediately to avoid demolition by the Chandigarh Housing Board.

5. All the allotttess are again requested not to undertake any fresh building violations otherwise the same is liable to be demolished on their risk and cost. Since these violations may lead to structure safety issues not only for the dwelling units but also for the particular unit and also for the adjoining unit also, the CHB is adopting zero tolerance policy.