Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Punjab will organize a two-day equestrian festival at SAS Nagar on March 1 and 2

Breeders of Marwari and Nukra breeds of horses can participate

ADC Sonam Chaudhary holds review meeting with the officials for the smooth arrangements of the festival and horse riding competitions

SAS Nagar, 14 February 2025 

The Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Punjab will organize Punjab’s first equestrian festival on March 1 and 2, 2025 at Forest Hills at Karoran village in SAS Nagar district.
To make the festival a grand success, Additional Deputy Commissioner Mrs Sonam Chaudhary reviewed the responsibilities assigned to various departments for the arrangements while holding a meeting regarding the preparations for the smooth and successful implementation of the event that will begin in the coming days.
She said that horse jumping, Marwari and Nukra horse ring competition, tent pegging, display of all horse breeds, cultural events, food and shopping exhibitions and expert talk shows will be the part of the event.
Horses from reputed stud farms and clubs across the state and country will also participate during the festival. During the meeting, Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry Department Dr  SK Gupta, Executive Engineer, Panchayati Raj, Shri Maheshwar, SDO, Mohali, Gopal Krishna, Good Governance Fellow Neha and owners of The Ranch Mohali, Deepinder Singh Brar and Harjinder Singh Khosa were present.