Finance Minister Shri OP Chaudhary, in the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Shri Arun Sao, chaired review meeting with senior officials of the department regarding the budget session of the Public Works Department, Public Health Engineering Department and Urban Administration Department.
At the meeting, Shri Choudhary and Shri Sao had a detailed discussion with the departmental officers regarding the budget of important schemes in the meeting. Budget and grants for various schemes including the infrastructure of urban bodies, smart city Raipur-Bilaspur, construction and maintenance of state highways and Amrit Mission were reviewed. Meanwhile, constructive suggestions such as online monitoring of water quality, development of Jal Jeevan Mission dashboard and state portal were also received.
Shri Choudhary and Shri Sao reviewed the budget of the departments and provided necessary guidelines to the department officials concerned.