DLSA Udhampur conducts environment protection awareness campaign

DLSA Udhampur conducts environment protection awareness campaign
DLSA Udhampur conducts environment protection awareness campaign
In connection with the Pan India Awareness and Outreach Campaign as part of (AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV), District Legal Services Authority, Udhampur under the guidance of its Chairman and overall supervision of Secretary Rajni Sharma (Sub-Judge) today organised a campaign on the protection of environment.

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The aim of the Programme was to raise awareness among the masses about the issues involving Protection of Environment. On the occasion, DLSA Udhampur organized a Plantation drive in the premises of District Court, Udhampur.
The Programme was inaugurated by Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Udhampur, Y.P. Bourney (Pr. District & Sessions Judge Udhampur) and Secretary DLSA, Udhampur, Rajni Sharma (Sub-Judge).
The Programme was also attended by the District Horticulture Officer, Udhampur along with the staff from the said Department. Panel Lawyers Advocate Pawan Gupta, Advocate Mallikarjun Singh Slathia, Advocate Karun Raina and Nkhileshwar Singh along with Plvs,  Avtar Singh and Sham Lal were also present on the occasion. The secretary, while thanking the participants, threw light on the ways and means to safeguard the environment and stressed upon all to make endeavors to protect the Environment.  Similar Programmes were organized by TLSC, Ramnagar, TLSC Chenani and TLSC Majalta.
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