DM Jammu fixes rate ceiling for HRCT Scan

JAMMU, MAY 17, 2021: District Magistrate Jammu vide powers vested under section 34 (m) of Disaster Management Act, 2005, today fixed the Ceiling for HRCT Scan of the Chest by Private Establishments in District Jammu.
  The upper ceiling for Chest C.T. Scan (Plain) has been fixed at Rs1500/ the charges for HRCT Scan (less than 16 slices) has been fixed at Rs 2500/ and that for HRCT Scan (more than 16 slices) has been notified as Rs 3000/ for all Private establishments in the District
As per the DM’s order the move has come following number of public complaints received regarding exorbitant rates being charged by Private institutions  and diagnostic laboratories from the patients for undergoing HRCT Scan.
It stated that a Committee, comprising Additional Commissioner, Jammu,  Director, Health Services, Jammu and HOD Radio Diagnosis & Imaging  Department, Government Medical College, Jammu was constituted by the Office of the  Divisional Commissioner, Jammu to arrive at  genuine/bench market rates for HRCT Scan of the chest by Private  establishments.
The said Committee after an analysis of the Private market rates across various States recommended the upper ceiling of Rs. 3,000 for HRCT Scan of the chest.
The rates shall come into force with immediate effect and shall be applicable for all Covid-19 patients/suspected cases during the time of  the pandemic.
All the Sub Divisional Magistrates and Tehsildars shall ensure the  implementation of these rates in all the Private institutions and  diagnostic laboratories within their Jurisdiction under the overall  supervision of Additional Deputy Commissioner, Law & Order, Jammu  (94197-94234)who shall be the Nodal Officer for compliance of the order
Any complaints regarding over charging of rates may be forwarded to District Control Room numbers at 0191-2571616, 0191-2571912/Whatsapp numbers 96220-11623 and 88250-81695 and email id  [email protected].