DM orders requisition of all Oxygen Cylinders available with the Industry/ Industrial Units, for medical purposes

• *Oxygen cylinders owned by Private Individuals or Firms are not be filled by Air Separation Units (ASUs)/ Oxygen Suppliers without authorization by the District Nodal Officer*
SAS Nagar, May 1:
In view of the emergent nature and potential magnitude of the pandemic, to assist, protect and provide relief to the community and to put in place measures for ensuring availability of Oxygen for proper medical care of COVID19 patients in the District, Girish Dayalan District Magistrate- cum- Chairperson District Disaster Management Authority(DDMA), has issued orders for requisition of all Oxygen Cylinders available with the Industry/ Industrial Units, for medical purposes
The cylinders shall be collected from such Units after issuing a receipt and would be allocated to hospitals, as per their need, by the District Nodal Officer for Oxygen/ Civil Surgeon.
The Cylinders so taken in possession shall be returned to the respective Industrial Units, when the orders cease to be in operation i.e as and when the use of these Cylinders is no longer required.
The orders also state that in order to prevent the disruption of the uninterrupted to supply of Oxygen for management of patients suffering from COVID-19/other non-COVID critical patients in various Hospitals, the Oxygen cylinders owned by Private Individuals or Firms shall not be filled by Air Separation Units (ASUs)/ Oxygen Suppliers, unless authorized to do so by the District Nodal Officer/ Civil Surgeon. The Management/ Owners of the ASUs and Oxygen suppliers shall be personally responsible to ensure the same.
Any violations shall invite criminal proceedings under the relevant provisions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
Pertinently, due to rapid rise in COVID-19 cases in the District and in light of the huge influx of patients from other states to Punjab and the occupancy of beds reaching 90% , the availability of adequate and uninterrupted supply of Medical Oxygen is an important pre-requisite for managing moderate and severe cases of COVID-19 and with the increasing cases, the medical oxygen supply needs to keep pace with the requirements of patient care