EC Syed Abass takes stock of pace of ongoing works at SDH, GDC and Civil Helipad Drass

KARGIL, JULY 06, 2021: Executive Councillor for Works Aga Syed Abass Razvi took stock of the status of the pace of ongoing works at Sub District Hospital (SDH), Government Degree College (GDC) and Civil Helipad Helipad Drass here today.

During his visit to the SDH Drass, the Executive Councillor Works instructed the concerned officers of R&B Department to complete the remaining works of the additional block of the hospital within a week’s time so as to hand over the same to the Health Department. The project is being completed at a total cost of Rs 7.68 crores.

EC Syed Abass also visited the GDC Drass where fencing, staff quarters and girls hostel are being constructed at cost of Rs 22 crores. The EC expressed optimism at the pace of the ongoing work and stressed officers concerned to ensure completion of the remaining work within the set timelines.

At Civil Helipad Drass, the EC Works directed the officers concerned to complete the landing pad within 2 months time.

The EC was informed on the occasion that other works have already been completed.