’Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’: Director General of Forests Shri Jitendra Kumar plants Mahua sapling at Nandanvan Jungle Safari

Senior forest officials join mega tree plantation by planting variety of saplings

Raipur, 13 August 2024

Director General of Forests and Special Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, Shri Jitendra Kumar participated in the mega tree plantation campaign “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam” today by planting a Mahua sapling at Nandanvan Jungle Safari in Nava Raipur.

Shri Kumar also visited a painting exhibition on elephant-human conflict, showcased by school students and forest department employees. Following this, he awarded mementos to the winning participants.Director General of Forests Shri Jitendra Kumar plants Mahua sapling at Nandanvan Jungle Safari

Senior forest officials join mega tree plantation by planting variety of saplingsThe event was attended by Abhanpur MLA Shri Indra Kumar Sahu, and officials of Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Forest Climate Change, Government of India, Additional Director General Shri Sushil Kumar Awasthi, CAMPA CEO Shri Subhash Chandra, Inspector General of Forests and Director (Project Tiger and Elephant) Shri Ramesh Kumar Pandey, Member Secretary of the Central Zoo Authority Shri Sanjay Kumar Shukla, Inspector General of Forests Shri Rajesh S., and Assistant Inspector General of Forests (Project Tiger and Elephant) Dr. Dheeraj Mittal. All these officials, along with Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Shri Sudhir Kumar Agrawal, Shri Kaushalendra Kumar, Smt. Sanjita Gupta, Shri Sunil Kumar Mishra, Shri Arun Kumar Pandey, Shri Anoop Kumar Vishwas, Shri Premkumar, and Shri Vishwesh Kumar Jha from Chhattisgarh Forest and Climate Change Department actively participated in the planting of various saplings as part of the “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam”