Eminent PEC alumnus visits PEC

Eminent PEC alumnus visits PEC(1)
Eminent PEC alumnus visits PEC
Chandigarh: 21 February, 2024

Dr. Roop Lal Mahajan, an esteemed PEC alumnus, now the Lewis Hester Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering and also the Director, Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS) at Virginia Tech University, USA, visited his alma mater on Tuesday, 20th of February 2024.

Enthusiastic to get a pulse on the collaborative research work that has been undertaken with the department of Metallurgical and Materials engineering, Dr. Mahajan’s visit to the institute was one filled with progressive and fruitful discussions with students and faculty alike.

It may be recalled that Dr. Roop Mahajan, a 1964 batch PEC alumnus, had earlier made a generous commemoratory donation to establish two doctoral research fellowships within the Metallurgical and Material Engineering department (MMED).


Dr. J D Sharma, Head, MMED and Prof. Uma Batra, Professor, MMED welcomed the distinguished guest and briefed him regarding the multiple research activities being pursued in the department.

While interacting with the faculty, the Ph.D scholars and the students of the MMED,  Dr. Mahajan emphasised on establishing and maintaining a collaborative scientific environment at PEC that can cultivate and benefit from a full range of interdisciplinary talents that is essential for the quality and impact of science in today’s fast paced world. “Power of Team Science is the Big Science,” he said.

He exhorted the young researchers to be passionate about their research, to continue using the fundamentals of science to find effective solutions to  complex problems and to investigate and explore deep into any statistical analysis data.

Building on his rich intellectual experience, the octogenarian PEC senior had many pearls of wisdom to offer to the audience. Referring to Schumpeter’s theory, he said that newer technologies are sweeping like big waves, for which ‘Intersection is the Disruptive Innovation and the way Forward’.

Firmly looking ahead to a proposal for Transformative Interdisciplinary Research Centre at PEC, he mused about his favourite quote that ‘Buds have creatively blossomed at the intersection’ – PEC knows how to do it!