CM Dr. Yadav to deposit Rs. 1576.61 crore into the accounts of Ladli Behnas today
Bhopal, 9 January 2024
Women Empowerment Week is being celebrated in Madhya Pradesh from January 10 to 15, 2024. To begin with, Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav will transfer Rs 1576.61 crore to the accounts of Ladli Behnas at Kushabhau Thackeray Convention Center on Wednesday at 11 am with a single click.
Various Programmes will be organised during the Women Empowerment Week. Ladli Lakshmi friendly Gram Panchayats will be awarded at the district level, girls selected in competitive examinations will be honoured along with members of Shaurya Dal who have done remarkable work will also be honoured. Simultaneously girls who played a pivotal role in preventing their own child marriage by informing the concerned authorities will be honoured as well.
On January 12 International Youth Day on Surya Namaskar will be performed on Yoga Day in all CCIs, Samprekshan Griha, One Stop Centres, Swadhar Grihas. Information about “Assistance Scheme for Victims of Domestic Violence” will be given by organising counseling sessions among the residents of 57 One Stop Centers of all 52 districts.
In addition to this, programmes including discussion on women’s helpline 181, Chief Minister’s Empowerment Scheme on radio, painting competition on the topic ‘Good Touch-Bad Touch’ by providing information about POCSO Act to children in Bal Grihas of all the districts and screening of a short film on cyber security through police cyber cell and experts will be held.