Corona infection is under control, state should be Corona free by May 31- CM Chouhan
Bhopal : Saturday, May 22, 2021
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that all the gram panchayats, development blocks and districts of the state have to be made Corona free by May 31. Public participation and crisis management committees have played an important role at every level in the war against Corona. The Corona unlock process will implemented gradually from June 1 with public participation once Corona cases are brought down to zero in the month of May. Chief Minister Chouhan was addressing ministers in charge, officers in charge of Covid in the districts besides all divisional commissioners, Inspector Generals of Police, Collectors and Superintendents of Police through video conference.
Chief Minister Chouhan said that at present Corona infection is on the verge of being controlled in the state. Positivity rate is 4.82 percent. About 79 thousand 737 tests were conducted in the state in which only 3 thousand 844 have tested positive and 9 thousand 327 persons have recovered. The state’s recovery rate has gone up to 90.86 percent. There was a time when all the beds of hospitals were full. There was severe crisis of oxygen and Remdesivir injection. Today, Madhya Pradesh is in better condition than before as a result of everyone’s hard work and team spirit. Chief Minister Chouhan congratulated the entire team for this achievement.
Ensure monitoring with micro planning
Chief Minister Chouhan said that Corona is a polymorphic virus, hence we cannot be relaxed even after it comes under control. But the state cannot be locked down permanently to control spread of infection. The unlock process must be started gradually from June 1. Cent percent implementation of an effective strategy will have to be ensured. Cases are not being reported in single digit also in a few districts of the state, while on the other hand the number of cases is still high in many districts. In this case, we have to create an area-specific strategy. The districts with high infection wards and villages will have to be marked as hot spots. Intensive monitoring should be ensured by marking these areas as micro-containment areas. Campaign must continue for intensive testing. Corona infected must be home isolated. Such persons should not mingle with other family members. It is important to follow these guidelines. Chief Minister Chouhan has told the ministers and officers in-charge to ensure micro-planning in their respective areas and monitor them.
Testing must be continued
Chief Minister Chouhan said that tests should continue to be conducted where there is even a single positive case of Corona. Intensive activities should be conducted for testing. Mobile testing arrangements have been made in some districts. This is a good experiment, which other districts can also follow as needed.
Kill-Corona campaign will continue
Chief Minister Chouhan said that the Kill-Corona campaign should be continued. The third campaign will be completed on May 24, following which the 4th Kill-Corona campaign will be launched. Every person affected by a cold, cough, should be identified and provided with a medical kit immediately. Treatment should be arranged as needed. There should be no delay in identifying the symptoms of Corona and starting treatment. Corona patients admitted to hospitals should be given the best treatment. Every possible effort must be made way to save patients.
Preparations for third wave must
Chief Minister Chouhan said that preparations are on to face the third wave of Corona. There are only two ways. The first are the following precautions measures for Corona prevention such as wearing masks, not crowding, maintaining two yards distance, etc. strictly to avoid the third wave. This strategy should be implemented with the participation of Crisis Management Committees public representatives Panchayat and Urban areas and through public awareness campaign. Prime Minister Modi also praised the public participation model of the state. By recognizing the power of public participation in the state, it should be used effectively against Corona. The state government is working constantly to strengthen the health infrastructure structure for the third wave of Corona.