Chandigarh, September 6 – Haryana Deputy Chief Minister, Mr. Dushyant Chautala said that the Panchayats will be further strengthened in the state. The waterworks in the villages will be fully developed and then handed over to the Panchayats by the Department of Public Health and Engineering.
The Deputy Chief Minister shared this information after presiding over a meeting with officers of Development and Panchayats and Public Health Engineering Department. He informed that the Central Government aims to provide clean drinking water to every household under the ‘Jal Jeevan Mission’ Scheme. He said that although the officers of Public Health Engineering Department have cited deficiency of funds for this purpose, still the state government will provide 55 litres of pure drinking water in every household of the state and there will be no shortage of funds for this. Mr. Dushyant Chautala informed that all waterworks of the state will be repaired by the Department of Public Health and Engineering, then after two years all these waterworks will be handed over to the Panchayats. The Panchayats will take the responsibility of the employees and that of repairing the waterworks. This will ensure the maintenance of the waterworks, while empowering the Panchayats